از:تومان0/2 نفر/هرشب

Standard Room

Sarikamis , Kars

توضیحات اتاق

Some of the standard rooms have a capacity of 2 people and some have a capacity of 3 people. Allergy-free rooms are ceramic-coated, while normal rooms are carpeted.

Some of the standard rooms have a capacity of 2 people and some have a capacity of 3 people. Allergy-free rooms are ceramic-coated, while normal rooms are carpeted.

Standard double rooms are 24-27 m² in size. The rooms have a double bed or two single beds.

Standard triple rooms are 24-27 m² in size. The rooms have a double bed, a single bed or three separate beds.

Quadruple (duplex) rooms are 36 m² in size.

  • Shower
  • Bath
  • WC
  • Hair dryer
  • Television
  • Satellite Broadcasting
  • Smoke detector
  • Wireless Internet
  • Mini bar*
  • Central Air Conditioning
  • Cleaning Service
  • Telephone*
  • Room Service (Beverage)*
  • Till

Features marked * are paid.

امکانات اتاق

Bathroom robe
Flat Screen TV
Hair dryer
Hot water
Mini Bar
Suitcase key


ساری کامیش

قیمت ها و در دسترس بودن

از: تومان0/ 2 نفر/ شب
  • 09/16/2024
  • 09/17/2024

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